我不了解分析部分.具体来说,这对什么有好处?只是为了阅读重写规则?这是到目前为止我唯一知道的插件:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/askapaches-rewriterules-viewer/I don't understand the analyse part. For what should this be good for in concrete? just to read rewrite rules? that's the only plugin I'm aware of so far: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/askapaches-rewriterules-viewer/
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- 2010-11-04
- hakre
@hakre:分析和调试,以防您想添加新的重写规则,但不了解为什么它不起作用.例如,我当前的版本还检查查询变量是否由WP ::parse_request()读取.这是更大的努力的一部分,以了解甚至可能改善重写引擎的文档.@hakre: Analyze and debug, in case you want to add a new rewrite rule but don't understand why it is not working. My current version for example also checks whether the query vars are read by `WP::parse_request()`. It is part of a larger effort to understand and maybe even improve the documentation of the rewrite engine.
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- 2010-11-04
- Jan Fabry
丹尼斯在这里提到了一个有趣的方面:http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/3431/performance-of-my-permalink-structure/3437#3437-每个帖子/页面的规则数.Denis named an interesting aspect here: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/3431/performance-of-my-permalink-structure/3437#3437 -- number of rules per post / page.
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- 2010-11-05
- hakre
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2010-11-03
Jan,你问的这是多么巧合!就在今天,我有一段很长的火车旅程,决定编写一个Rewrite Analyzer插件,该插件可以解析您的重写规则并突出显示查询变量.您可以在此处测试URL,并查看将设置哪些查询变量.
Well what a coincidence that you ask this, Jan! Just today I had time on a long train journey and decided to write a Rewrite Analyzer plugin, one that parses your rewrite rules and highlights the query variables. You can test URLs right there and see what query variables will be set.
You can find it in the plugin repository, or just as Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer when search for new plugins in your administration screen.
好的是将其作为调试栏的补充:)Nice would be to have that as an addition to the debug bar :)
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- 2011-03-21
- kaiser
可以从中提取插件的SVN吗?Is there an SVN the plugin can be pulled from?
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- 2011-04-13
- t31os
扬,问题:当红色被划掉时,这到底是什么意思?Question, Jan: when something is crossed out in red, what does that mean exactly?
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- 2011-06-24
- Manny Fleurmond
@Manny:红色查询变量未标记为public,因此它们将不会发送到$ wp_query对象,以后您将很难访问它们.@Manny: Red query variables are not marked as public, so they will not be sent to the `$wp_query` object and you will have a hard time accessing them later.
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- 2011-06-24
- Jan Fabry
很有用!谢谢!我还没有完全[使事情正常运行](http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/26497/querystring-parameter-getting-lost-in-rewrite-rule),但到目前为止,它是一个巨大的帮助.Very useful! Thanks! I haven't totally [gotten things working](http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/26497/querystring-parameter-getting-lost-in-rewrite-rule), but it's been a huge help so far.
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- 2011-08-22
- Rebecca Chernoff
太可惜了,这太过时了!我什至没有尝试过,而是直接寻找一种替代方案,它本身已经过时了(两年没有更新):https://wordpress.org/plugins/rewrite/-但显然它可以在最新的wordpress上使用(4.3.1).Too bad this is so outdated! I haven't even tried and went straight to an alternative, which is quite outdated itself (2 years without updates): https://wordpress.org/plugins/rewrite/ - but apparently it worked on newest wordpress (4.3.1).
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- 2015-11-11
- cregox
@Cawas:我认为它可能仍然有效.自从我做了一些认真的WordPress工作以来已经有一段时间了,但是代码向后兼容.@Cawas: I think it might still work. It has been a while since I did some serious WordPress work, but the code is very backwards compatible.
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- 2015-11-12
- Jan Fabry