您可以使用js做到这一点.试试这篇文章.http://www.kvcodes.com/2014/07/make-menu-link-wordpress-without-adding-page/You can do this by using js. try this article. http://www.kvcodes.com/2014/07/make-menu-link-wordpress-without-adding-page/
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- 2016-02-16
- Kvvaradha
在" URL"框中,将其留空.In the URL box, leave it blank.
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- 2018-07-11
没有人提到WP_NAV_MENU_WALKER类,您可以编写自己的助行器,吐出您想要的东西.Nobody mentioned the WP_NAV_MENU_WALKER Class, you could write your own walker that spits out what you want.
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- 2018-09-18
- user3135691
18 个回答
- 投票数
- 2011-10-05
- 将自定义链接设置为
,该链接不会返回任何内容 - 向项目添加自定义类,然后使用jQuery删除链接.
- 使用与jQuery方法等效的PHP
- 使用禁用父菜单链接插件(或拆开插件)然后自己写)
I have a few ideas:
- Set the custom link to
which won't return anything - Add a custom class to the items and then use jQuery to remove the links.
- Use a PHP equivalent to the jQuery method
- Use the Disable Parent Menu Link plugin (or take it apart and write your own)
感谢您的提示和链接!正如Gavin建议的那样,对自定义链接使用#表示"有效";其他选项可能会更好,尽管并非易事.好吧,该插件可能很容易,但是如果我可以更直接地完成相同的事情,我不喜欢使用插件.我必须决定最佳方法.再次感谢!Thank You for the tips and links! As Gavin suggested, using a # for a custom link "works"; the other options may work better, though aren't as easy. Well, the plugin is probably easy but I hate to use plugins if I can accomplish the same thing more directly. I'll have to decide the best approach. Thanks again!
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- 2011-10-05
如果您打算在触觉设备中使用它,请小心使用空的" href=""`,因为如果不使用JS,大多数触觉设备用户将无法看到下拉菜单If you plan to use it in tactile devices, be careful with using empty `href=""`because most tactile device users won't be able to see dropdown menu without using JS
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- 2013-11-21
- Simon
链接断开.您可能需要将其中一些想法付诸实践Links break. You might want to work a few of these ideas into your answer
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- 2015-05-13
- shea
同样,#2和#3指的是`wp_list_pages()`,而不是`wp_nav_menu()`.Also, #2 and #3 refer to `wp_list_pages()`, not `wp_nav_menu()`
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- 2015-05-13
- shea
- 2011-10-05
最简单的方法是不使用插件或任何东西,就是使用WordPress的"菜单"功能.这是WordPress 4.8的说明:
- 从WordPress仪表板中,转到"外观->菜单"
- 在"编辑菜单"标签中,选择"自定义链接"
- 对于URL,输入"#"(不带引号)
- 对于链接文本,请在下拉菜单的顶层输入所需的文本
- 点击"添加到菜单"按钮
- 将菜单项拖到菜单中的所需位置
- 对于刚添加的菜单项,请单击该项右侧的向下箭头(它将在该项左侧显示为"自定义链接")
- 从网址中删除"#".在所有浏览器中,这会将链接转换为纯文本.
- 点击"保存菜单"按钮
The easiest way to do it without a plugin or anything is to use the "Menus" function of WordPress. Here are the instructions for WordPress 4.8:
- From your WordPress dashboard, go to "Appearance -> Menus"
- In the "Edit Menus" tab, select "Custom Links"
- For the URL, Enter "#" (no quotes)
- For the link text, enter your desired text for the top level of your drop-down menu
- Click the "Add to Menu" button
- Drag the menu item to its desired position within your menu
- For the menu item you just added, click the down arrow to the right of the item (it will read "custom link" to the left of the item)
- Remove the "#" from the URL. This - in all browsers - will convert the link to plain text.
- Click on the "Save Menu" button
谢谢你的提示.这是ez,尽管不是完美的,因为当您将鼠标悬停在标签上时,标签看起来仍然像"链接",但它们却无处可去.因此它可以在紧要关头工作.Thank You for that tip. It's ez, though not perfect in that the Labels still look like "links" when you mouseover, but they don't go anywhere. So it can work in a pinch.
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- 2011-10-05
您是否阅读了整个评论?*添加链接后,单击链接名称旁边的下拉箭头,然后从URL文本框中删除"#".在所有浏览器中,这将导致该链接不可点击.*Did you read the whole comment? *After the link is added, click the dropdown arrow by the link's name, and remove the "#" from the URL textbox. This, in all browsers, will cause the link to not be clickable.*
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- 2011-10-06
- GavinR
是的,谢谢,我确实阅读了整个评论.我回过头来再试一次,意识到了我的问题.当我离开#号时,该字会显示在导航栏中,但会显示为"无效链接".当我删除#号时,除非将鼠标悬停在导航栏上,否则该词不会出现在导航栏中,而是会以悬停状态显示.因此,我认为这意味着我必须将CSS应用于该单词,以便它看起来没有链接.我不确定为什么会显示悬停状态...Yes, thank you, I did read the whole comment. I went back through and tried again and realized my problem. When I leave the #, the word appears in the navbar but as a "dead link". When I removed the # the word didn't appear in the navbar unless I hovered over it and it would appear in a hover state. So I assume that means I have to apply CSS to the word so that it appears without being linked. I'm not sure why the hover state shows up...
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- 2011-10-06
它仍然在4.9.5中,但是我不确定,因为它"感觉"起来像是漏洞的hacking优势.如果不是,那将为人们省去很多麻烦……这有点像Wordpress认为" 1 2 3 4 5 6"是一个强密码...这一事实.This still in 4.9.5, however I'm not sure as it 'feels' like a hack tacking advantage of a bug. If not.. it's going to save people a lot of headaches... This is kind of like the fact that Wordpress considers "1 2 3 4 5 6" a strong password...still.
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- 2018-05-22
- brooklynsweb
仅供参考,如果您执行第8步(无论出于何种原因),那么当您将鼠标悬停在自定义链接上时,光标将不会成为指针.在这种情况下,可以使用pointer:cursor设置样式.FYI, if you do Step 8 (for whatever good reason), then your cursor won't be a pointer when you hover over the custom link. In that case, you could style it with pointer:cursor.
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- 2018-11-17
- MarsAndBack
是的,使用此方法无法单击链接,但是文本仍包裹在锚标记中,这在语义上是不正确的!Yes, the link is not clickable by utilising this method, but text is still wrapped in anchor tag, which is semantically incorrect!
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- 2020-08-27
- Lovor
- 2014-09-27
元素是创建占位符链接的正确HTML 5方法./** * Remove the href from empty links `<a href="#">` in the nav menus * @param string $menu the current menu HTML * @return string the modified menu HTML */ add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', function ( $menu ) { return str_replace( '<a href="#"', '<a', $menu ); } );
The simplest method I came up with was to create a Custom Link item with the Link URL value of
. This is sending the user to an empty hash on the same page, so basically links nowhere.However, there are some side-effects of using empty hashes for placeholder links. The link will still appear and behave like a link, so it could confuse a user when they are clicking on what appears to be a link but nothing happens. The other effect is that clicking on an empty hash link will override any existing hash, sending the user to the top of the page. This might not be so worrying for a menu which is at the top of the page anyway, but it is quite jarring when the page unexpectedly jumps when you are not expecting it, especially if this is for a footer menu.
The solution is to combine the empty hash method with a piece of code to detect when empty hash links are used in the menu and to remove the
attribute from that link entirely. Ana
element without ahref
attribute is the correct HTML 5 method of creating an placeholder link./** * Remove the href from empty links `<a href="#">` in the nav menus * @param string $menu the current menu HTML * @return string the modified menu HTML */ add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', function ( $menu ) { return str_replace( '<a href="#"', '<a', $menu ); } );
您甚至可以更改整个标签: `'],[''],$menu); });?>`.只是不要忘记通过CSS或JS添加下拉列表.You can even change the whole a tag: `'], [''], $menu ); } ); ?>`. Just don't forget to add the dropdown by css or js.
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- 2020-04-02
- quasi
- 2016-10-13
我在菜单>屏幕选项> CSS类中激活了 CSS类 然后,我给出了要停用类" .nolink"的菜单元素 并将这段代码添加到我的自定义CSS面板中:
.nolink { pointer-events: none; cursor: default; }
This worked for me:
I activated CSS Classes in Menus > Screen Options > CSS Classes Then I gave the menu element that I wanted to deactivate the class ".nolink" and added this piece of code to my custom CSS panel:
.nolink { pointer-events: none; cursor: default; }
这也杀死了下拉菜单.This kills dropdown too.
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- 2017-06-28
- user385917
我认为,使用``#``作为链接目标,然后应用自定义CSS类进行样式设置是最不容易的解决方案.但是,设置``pointer-events:none''对我来说没有多大意义,因为它会破坏子菜单.您能否详细说明为什么设置该属性?Using ``#`` as the link target and then applying a custom CSS class for styling purposes, is the least hacky solution in my opinion. However, setting ``pointer-events: none`` does not make a lot of sense for me, since it will break sub menus. Could you elaborate on why you set that attribute?
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- 2019-07-04
- user1438038
- 2017-11-11
function remove_link_contact_menu($item_output, $item) { if ($item->post_name == 'contact') return '<span>' . $item->title . '</span>'; return $item_output; } add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'remove_link_contact_menu', 20, 2); add_filter('megamenu_walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'remove_link_contact_menu', 20, 2);
这将用post_name==" contact"将项目菜单的链接替换为span元素,这就是我想要的.您可以轻松地对其进行更改以检查菜单标题或ID,或添加一些代码以检查其是否具有子菜单项等.
Using the PHP approach I added this code to functions.php:
function remove_link_contact_menu($item_output, $item) { if ($item->post_name == 'contact') return '<span>' . $item->title . '</span>'; return $item_output; } add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'remove_link_contact_menu', 20, 2); add_filter('megamenu_walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'remove_link_contact_menu', 20, 2);
This will replace the link with a span element for the item menu with the post_name == "contact", which is what I was looking for. You can easily change that to check for the menu title or the ID, or add some code to check if it has any child menu items etc.
- 2017-11-20
Appreciate this is an old thread, but for a quick and dirty way of having a link in Wordpress is by making the link URL as:
Notice the underscore after the hashtag. This way if your menu scrolls down the page (ie. fixed), you don't get a jump to the top of the page when clicking on it and doesn't require any plugins/script.
- 2014-07-28
我通过以下方式解决了问题:在您主题的 header.php 中,我搜索了
'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '',
'link_before' => '<script>var scriptTag=document.getElementsByTagName("script");scriptTag=scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];if(scriptTag.parentNode.href)if(scriptTag.parentNode.href.slice(-1)=="#")document.write("<span onclick=\"return false\">")</script>', 'link_after' => '<script>var scriptTag=document.getElementsByTagName("script");scriptTag=scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];if(scriptTag.parentNode.href)if(scriptTag.parentNode.href.slice(-1)=="#")document.write("</span>")</script>',
I solved this way: in header.php (of your theme) I searched for:
'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '',
and replaced with:
'link_before' => '<script>var scriptTag=document.getElementsByTagName("script");scriptTag=scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];if(scriptTag.parentNode.href)if(scriptTag.parentNode.href.slice(-1)=="#")document.write("<span onclick=\"return false\">")</script>', 'link_after' => '<script>var scriptTag=document.getElementsByTagName("script");scriptTag=scriptTag[scriptTag.length-1];if(scriptTag.parentNode.href)if(scriptTag.parentNode.href.slice(-1)=="#")document.write("</span>")</script>',
In simple words, this script checks if its parent link ends with "#", in this case it adds a span element around the content of the A tag, that disables the click.
Hope it helps :-)
嗨,我知道这是一个旧答案,但是为了将来参考,我不会只是进入并更改主题头文件,因为在下一次更新时,您的所有代码都将被覆盖.最好的解决方案是使用您的自定义代码创建一个子主题.Hi, I know this is an old answer but for future reference, I wouldn't just go in and change your themes header file because when it updates next all your code will be overwritten. The best solution for this is to create a child theme with your custom code.
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- 2017-03-21
- Scott
- 2015-05-07
preg_replace('/<a>([^<]+)<\/a>/i', '<span class="no-link">$1</span>', $navHTML);
As others here have suggested you can create a custom link menu item with the # as its url. Then erase the # once it is added to the menu. And finally, you can use this simple regex to strip the actual tag from those links.
preg_replace('/<a>([^<]+)<\/a>/i', '<span class="no-link">$1</span>', $navHTML);
- 2016-03-18
add_action( 'wp_footer', function(){ ?> <script> (function( $ ) { var itemm = $('#main-menu .menu-item-has-children > a'); itemm.click(function(){ document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur(); return false; }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php }, 1, 0 );
This will remove the click (and unstyle the item). This way, you dont have to use the custom # links in your menu.
add_action( 'wp_footer', function(){ ?> <script> (function( $ ) { var itemm = $('#main-menu .menu-item-has-children > a'); itemm.click(function(){ document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur(); return false; }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php }, 1, 0 );
- 2017-12-21
I realize I'm late in the game, but these are the two methods I use:
1) Make the parent menu item a duplicate of the first sub-item, and change its label. For example, if the first item under "Products" is "Product 1", use "Product 1" as the parent menu item, then change its label to "Products". That way, both "Products" and "Product 1" will lead to the page Product 1.
2) Add a redirect so that the Products page is redirected to Product 1. The benefit of this option is that it allows you to create a blank Products page to create a hierarchical listing in Pages, but if anyone tries to go to the blank Products page, they will be redirected.
核心未提供此功能.也许主题或插件正在将其添加到您的设置中?This functionality is not provided by core. Perhaps a theme or plugin is adding it to your setup?
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- 2018-01-26
- Dave Romsey
我也曾经看过这个,希望我知道是哪个插件或主题完成的.I've seen this before too, I wish I knew which plugin or theme did this.
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- 2019-01-15
- DavGarcia
- 2018-06-22
- 将自定义链接设置为#,它将不会返回任何列表项
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'wpse_remove_empty_links' ); function wpse_remove_empty_links( $menu ) { return preg_replace("/<a href=\"#\">(.+?)<\/a>/is", "<span>$1</span>", $menu); }
相同的样式,别忘了cursor: context-menu;
- Set the custom link to # which won't return anything List item
Add this filter:
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'wpse_remove_empty_links' ); function wpse_remove_empty_links( $menu ) { return preg_replace("/<a href=\"#\">(.+?)<\/a>/is", "<span>$1</span>", $menu); }
Edit span CSS to get same style as
, don't forgetcursor: context-menu;
- 2019-01-15
- 添加一个自定义链接,其URL设置为#,并提供您想要的任何名称.这两个字段都是必需的.
- 编辑新添加的自定义链接,以使URL为空.
- 保存更改.
的顶级导航,这是表示不可点击链接的正确方法.Writing from 1/2019, the solution that produces proper HTML5 is to do the following.
- Add a Custom Link with the URL set to #, and whatever name you'd like. Both fields are required.
- Edit the newly added Custom Link so that the URL is empty.
- Save the changes.
This will produce a top level nav that is
which is the correct way to represent a non-clickable link. -
- 2019-03-09
类可能有另一个名称./* disable parent menu items */ ul.main-menu > li > a { pointer-events: none; }
You may disable the events on the
tag for all first level menu items using pure css..main-menu
class may have another name according to your menu naming./* disable parent menu items */ ul.main-menu > li > a { pointer-events: none; }
- 2019-12-23
Create a custom link menu as other as said. View the source code and look for the href of the submenu, for example: #mm-1. Paste this into the URL of the custom link and save the menu. This will make the mobile version work as well when you tap the menu text.
- 2020-03-28
主题已添加:function replace_empty_menu_links($item_output,$item,$ depth,$ args){ if($item-&gt; url=='#'|| $item-&gt; url==''){ $item_output=sprintf('%1 $ s&lt;'.'div'.'%2 $ s&gt;%3 $ s%4 $ s%5 $ s&lt;/'.'div'.'>%6 $ s ', $ args-&gt;之前, $属性, $ args-&gt; link_before, apply_filters('the_title',$item-&gt;title,$item-&gt; ID), $ args-&gt; link_after, $ args-&gt;之后 ); } 返回$item_output; } add_filter('walker_nav_menu_start_el','replace_empty_menu_links',10,4);
My version looks like this:
first, in the menu in the admin panel in the desired link in the
field put#
or leave it empty, and then infunction.php
themes are added:function replace_empty_menu_links( $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ) { if ( $item->url == '#' || $item->url == '' ) { $item_output = sprintf( '%1$s<' . 'div' . '%2$s>%3$s%4$s%5$s</' . 'div' . '>%6$s', $args->before, $attributes, $args->link_before, apply_filters( 'the_title', $item->title, $item->ID ), $args->link_after, $args->after ); } return $item_output; } add_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'replace_empty_menu_links', 10, 4 );
You can replace
with any element that suits you.This works for version 5.3.2 (tested in this version, but should work in others too).
In this form, the work of all arguments
, etc. fromwp_nav_menu()
is preserved.Also, this works for sub-menus too.
- 2015-02-03
Much easier solution can be found on another question:
Admin Menu - Highlight top-level menu when on a sub-menu page (without showing sub-menu)
Look for Askelon's answer. Work's perfectly, without needing to do any preg_replaces or jquery.
"products" li项旨在在其下方的垂直下拉列表中链接3个页面,因此"products"本身实际上并不代表页面,我该如何在WP中做到这一点?