7 个回答
- 投票数
- 2011-09-30
- 转到
Dashboard -> Settings -> Media
- 在在此文件夹中存储上传的文件 中输入所需的位置
- 取消选中 将我的上传内容整理到基于月度和年份的文件夹中
这将指定global 上传位置.要指定每个文件的上传位置,您需要使用一个插件,例如 WP Easy Uploader (不是认可,本身;这只是我发现的第一个).
- Go to
Dashboard -> Settings -> Media
- Enter the desired location in Store uploads in this folder
- Uncheck Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders
This will specify the global upload location. To specify a per-file upload location, you'll need to use a Plugin, such as WP Easy Uploader (not an endorsement, per se; it was just the first one I found).
谢谢!回答了我的问题,您发布的插件看起来绝对完美.不幸的是,自2009年以来就没有进行过更新.我想我应该看看是否有任何最新的可用信息.Thanks! That answered my question and that plugin you posted looks absolutely perfect. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated since 2009. I guess I should probably see if there's anything available that's more up-to-date.
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- 2011-09-30
- jkupczak
对于其他人,该插件仍可在WordPress 3.5上使用.但是,这种方式的局限性在于您必须手动输入路径(无法浏览),一次只能上传一个文件,并且必须转到插件才能上传,但并没有.覆盖基本的上传功能.但这可能仍然是最好的文件上传插件.For anyone else looking at this, the plugin still works on WordPress 3.5. However, it's kind of limited in that you have to manually type in the path (you can't browse for it), you can only upload one file at a time, and you have to go to the plugin to upload, it doesn't override the basic upload functionality. But it's probably still the best file uploading plugin out there.
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- 2012-12-20
- gsingh2011
WP EASY Uploader不再更新.我发现了[自定义上传目录插件](https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-upload-dir)WP EASY Uploader is not updated anymore. I found [custom upload dir plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-upload-dir)
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- 2015-10-05
- user9
- 2013-01-08
I would advise against un-ticking 'Organize Media' unless in a situation where you are handling storage elsewhere.
Having a large amount of files in one directory is flawed for many reasons, though there is some situations where this is unavoidable but for a website this is always unavoidable.
I inherited a Wordpress website and was tasked with moving it to another host. This proved to be a problem since all uploads were in one folder, over 93,000 files - yes 93 thousand.
No FTP client was able to index that many files and simply would not navigate into the folder.
I had no shell access to the system.
I couldn't do a full dump using the hosting control panel as there was no option to do so.
I had to rely on the hosting company to do a dump for me, which was a task in itself tying to get them to do it.
Apart from these potential issues, indexing thousands of files is slower than indexing tens or hundreds of files - simply, performance is effected with large amounts of files in one directory.
不幸的是,日期组织结构对于博客非常有用,而对于没有博客的CMS网站却没有那么有用.似乎应该有一种基于帖子类型(例如,页面上传与CPT上传不同的文件夹)创建上传文件结构的简便方法.Unfortunately, the date organization structure, which is very useful for blogs, isn't so useful for CMS sites that don't incorporate blogs. Seems like there should be an easy way to create an upload file structure based on things like post type (ie, page uploads go in different folder than CPT uploads).
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- 2014-02-04
- Ray Gulick
我目前遇到相同的问题.您是否找到了一种在移动主机后拆分文件夹的好方法,还是只保留了现有的93k文件并打开Organize Media?I'm experiencing the same problem at the moment. Did you ever find a good way of splitting up the folder after moving hosts, or did you just leave the existing 93k files as they are and turn on Organize Media?
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- 2014-06-19
- patrickzdb
在上述情况下,您可以选择编写一个函数来逐步移动文件(假设您有能力在WordPress安装中修改php文件)in the scenario above, you may opt to write a function to incrementally move the files (assuming you have the ability to modify php files within the WordPress install)
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- 2016-06-03
- ljs.dev
- 2013-07-20
- 转到仪表板→设置→媒体,然后取消选中"将我的上载整理到基于月和年的文件夹中".因此,现在您上传的每个文件都将放置在" wp-content \ uploads"中(可选步骤,但建议您轻松找到新的上传文件以移至另一个文件夹).
- 安装"媒体文件管理器"插件.
- 转到仪表板→媒体→媒体文件管理器.
Notice DB也已更新,因此,例如,如果将当前正在使用的图像移动到网络中的其他位置,则必须从媒体库中重新选择该图像,否则它将不会出现在您的网络中.>
Another solution to this problem:
- Go to Dashboard → Settings → Media and uncheck "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders". So now every file you upload will be placed in "wp-content\uploads" [optional step, but recomended to find easily new uploads for moving to another folder].
- Install "Media File Manager" plugin.
- Go to Dashboard → Media → Media File Manager.
Here you can create all folders you wish to organize your contents. The two divided window is just for moving content between different folders, you create a folder in one side and it'll be refreshed in both. Use two sides to navigate to current and destiny folders of your content, then use left or right arrow to move it, it's easy!
Notice DB is updated also, so if for example you move an image you're currently using elsewhere in your web, you'll have to reselect this image from Media Library or it won't appear in your web.
Hope you'll find this info useful. Regards!
- 2017-02-01
- 添加一个临时草稿帖子(不保存)
- 将发布日期更改为所需的年月,然后单击[保存草稿]
- 该帖子中的[添加媒体]-WordPress会将其保存到该年/月的文件夹中.
- 返回帖子并删除帖子草稿.
A 'quick hack' solution for the occasional situation where you want to upload a media file to the directory for a particular year/month in the past:
- add a temporary draft post (don't save)
- change the publishing date to the year and month you want and [Save Draft]
- [Add Media] in that post - WordPress will save it to the folder for that year/month.
- go back to Posts and delete the draft post.
As long as you didn't publish it, the post will never appear on your site, or in feeds etc. but the media file will be left in that directory.
I appreciate that this is for a very specific case of the question above, but it helped me, when adding to a set of downloads that needed to be kept together. No good if you actually wanted them outside the chronological tree.
- 2018-01-31
这是您要寻找的: Media Library Plus
我用了它就成功了. 这是使用方法指南.
This is what you are looking for: Media Library Plus
I used it and it did the trick. Here is the guide on how to use it.
- 2020-08-27
使用此" FileBird"免费插件 https://wordpress.org/plugins/filebird/,然后您将看到如何将文件上传到特定的文件夹,如下图所示.
Use this 'FileBird' free plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/filebird/, and you will see how to upload files to a specific folder like this the image below.
- 2013-02-09
只需使用 http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/ Nextgen Gallery.您可以在此处上载图像组,用于显示图库,或在WP图像插入窗口中从中上载单个图像.
Just use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/ Nextgen Gallery. You can upload groups of images there, use it to display galleries, or upload a single image from there in the WP image insert window.
插件如何精确地应用于问题中提出的情况?How exactly the plugin applies to the situation asked in the Question?
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- 2013-02-09
- brasofilo
是的,我看不到下一代画廊如何满足OP的要求.Yeah, I don't see how nextgen-gallery does what the OP wants.
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- 2013-07-13
- Jason
这不能回答问题,它特定于NextGen中的画廊,而不是常规媒体上载.This doesn't answer the question, it's specific to galleries in NextGen, rather than general media uploads.
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- 2013-08-07
- random_user_name