2 个回答
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- 2011-08-19
add_action('init','wpse26388_rewrites_init'); 函数wpse26388_rewrites_init(){ add_rewrite_rule( 'properties/([[0-9] +)/?$', 'index.php?pagename=properties&property_id=$matches [1]', '最佳' ); } add_filter('query_vars','wpse26388_query_vars'); 函数wpse26388_query_vars($ query_vars){ $ query_vars []='property_id'; 返回$ query_vars; }
将返回属性ID(如果已设置),如果未设置则显示默认属性页面.Add this to your theme's functions.php, or put it in a plugin.
add_action( 'init', 'wpse26388_rewrites_init' ); function wpse26388_rewrites_init(){ add_rewrite_rule( 'properties/([0-9]+)/?$', 'index.php?pagename=properties&property_id=$matches[1]', 'top' ); } add_filter( 'query_vars', 'wpse26388_query_vars' ); function wpse26388_query_vars( $query_vars ){ $query_vars[] = 'property_id'; return $query_vars; }
This adds a rewrite rule which directs requests to
with any combination of numbers following to pagenameproperties
, with the query varproperty_id
set. Just be sure to visit your permalinks settings page and save to flush rewrite rules, so this new rule will be included.In your
will return the property id if it was set, if it's not then show the default properties page.-
这对我来说很接近,但是我需要添加: add_filter('init','flushRules'); 函数flushRules(){ 全局$ wp_rewrite; $ wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); }This was CLOSE to working for me but I needed to add: add_filter('init','flushRules'); function flushRules(){ global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); }
- 5
- 2012-11-13
- tooshel
@tooshel您绝对不想在每个请求上都刷新规则,这是一项昂贵的操作,会使您的网站慢下来.您只需在激活插件时或仅通过访问永久链接设置页面一次刷新规则.@tooshel you definitely don't want to flush rules on every request, it is an expensive operation and will slow your site to a crawl. you only need to flush rules once, on plugin activation, or just by visiting the permalinks settings page.
- 23
- 2012-11-13
- Milo
是的,我明白了...但是当您进行测试时,它确实在那里!Yeah, I get that . . . but when you are testing it's nice that it's in there!
- 1
- 2012-11-14
- tooshel
更聪明的重写url正则表达式可能是```^properties/([[0-9] +)/?```否则,它会匹配`example/properties/1`之类的东西A smarter rewrite url regexp might be ```^properties/([0-9]+)/?```. Otherwise it would match something like ```example/properties/1```
- 3
- 2014-12-12
- Ryan Taylor
@RyanTaylor您确定吗?测试时,它不会捕获"example/properties/1".@RyanTaylor are you sure about that? it doesn't capture `example/properties/1` when I test it.
- 0
- 2014-12-12
- Milo
page-properties.php文件的位置在哪里?我把它放在插件目录中.是对的吗?What is location of page-properties.php file? I put it inside plugin directory. Is that right?
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- 2016-06-30
- Farid Movsumov
@FeridMovsumov主题文件总是从当前活动主题目录加载,除非您[添加过滤器](https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/#filter-hierarchy)从其他位置加载它们.@FeridMovsumov theme files are always loaded from the current active theme directory, unless you [add a filter](https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/#filter-hierarchy) to load them from elsewhere.
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- 2016-06-30
- Milo
您好,@ Milo,这是一段漂亮的代码.您是否知道在使用$paged=(get_query_var('paged'))时如何避免冲突?get_query_var('paged'):1;?该函数正在捕获$page(并将其留空),并且我无法继续进行分页.Hello @Milo, this is a beautiful piece of code. Do you know how to make this not clash when using $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; ? The function is capturing $page (and leaving it blank) and I'm not able to continue paginating.
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- 2017-08-08
- Jaypee
- 2017-05-21
add_action('init', function() { add_rewrite_rule( '^properties/([0-9]+)/?', 'index.php?pagename=properties&property_id=$matches[1]', 'top' ); }, 10, 0); add_action('init', function() { add_rewrite_tag( '%property_id%', '([^&]+)' ); }, 10, 0);
Another way to do it:
add_action('init', function() { add_rewrite_rule( '^properties/([0-9]+)/?', 'index.php?pagename=properties&property_id=$matches[1]', 'top' ); }, 10, 0); add_action('init', function() { add_rewrite_tag( '%property_id%', '([^&]+)' ); }, 10, 0);
接受的答案适用于4.7(和4.8),不确定您为什么认为不行.您的代码本质上是在做同样的事情,`add_rewrite_tag`将查询var与`query_vars`过滤器添加到同一数组.The accepted answer works with 4.7 (and 4.8), not sure why you think it doesn't. Your code is essentially doing the same thing, `add_rewrite_tag` adds the query var to the same array as the `query_vars` filter.
- 2
- 2017-07-07
- Milo
@Milo可能对我不起作用,但是我再也没有4.7了,所以我无法检查.我将编辑我的答案.@Milo it probably didn’t work for me, but I don’t have a 4.7 handy anymore so I can’t check. I will edit my answer.
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- 2017-07-08
- Christian Lescuyer
@Milo虽然我个人更喜欢重写标签,但是仍然测试了可接受的答案并且它可以工作.不过,只是一些个人口味.@Milo Although I personally prefer rewrite tag, but still tested the accepted answer and it works. Just some personal tastes, though.
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- 2017-07-08
- Jack Johansson
@JackJohansson重写标签在您使用时(在永久结构中)是必需的(https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_permastruct).在这种情况下,这只是WordPress从未使用的额外数据.@JackJohansson rewrite tags are necessary when you're using it [in a permastruct](https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_permastruct). It's just an extra bit of data that WordPress never uses in this case.
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- 2017-07-08
- Milo
可以将这两个规则添加到同一方法中,最终得到一个更清洁,更有用的功能,以供重新查看并确定是否进行维护工作both rules can be added to the same method, ending up in a cleaner and more useful function to come back to and figure out if doing maintenance work
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- 2018-07-14
- eballeste