使用Ledger Nano S烘焙/认可。指南?
相关:https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/830/nano-ledger-x-and-bakingRelated: https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/830/nano-ledger-x-and-baking
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- 2019-03-22
- luchonacho
2 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-03-21
此处,您可以找到Ledger Nano烘焙应用程序开发人员的指南(黑曜石系统).
但是,我建议从Ledger Live下载该应用程序,而不要自己进行编译,然后按照编译说明进行操作.
Here you can find the guide from the developers of the Ledger Nano baking app (Obsidian System).
However, I would recommend to download the app from Ledger Live and not compile it yourself, and then follow the guide from after the compiling instructions.
我在分类帐上的烘焙应用程序是使用BakeChain注册的.我的节点正在运行.我在将分类帐连接到节点以及在节点上注册面包师时遇到困难...我不确定这是否有意义My baking app on my ledger was registered using BakeChain. I have node up running. I am having difficulty connecting my ledger to the node and registering my baker with the node...I am not sure this make sense
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- 2019-03-22
- Adi_daz
昨天,我能够使用MacBook Pro上的命令行界面从源启动一个节点.在等待节点同步时,我正在寻找文档,以便可以与Ledger Nano S一起运行面包师/背书人.目前,我正在与BakeChain客户端进行烘焙.我不想失去使用BakeChain时分配的权利.有线索吗?