如果您不知道如何更新节点,请查看此问题https://tezos.stackexchange.com/q/16/118If you don’t know how to update your node check this question https://tezos.stackexchange.com/q/16/118
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
相关:https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/829/how-to-vote-in-the-exploration-periodRelated: https://tezos.stackexchange.com/questions/829/how-to-vote-in-the-exploration-period
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- 2019-03-22
- utdrmac
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-03-17
来推荐一个或多个建议tezos-client submit proposals for <delegate> <proposal1> <proposal2> ...
tezos-client submit ballot for <delegate> <proposal> <yay|nay|pass>
The basic commands and explanations about voting are offered directly on the official documentation page.
Basically to summarize during a proposal period you van upvote one or more proposals with
tezos-client submit proposals for <delegate> <proposal1> <proposal2> ...
And during a voting period the tezos client command to submit your ballot is
tezos-client submit ballot for <delegate> <proposal> <yay|nay|pass>
但是当我执行此命令时,实际上没有这样的参数.But when I executed this command, there was no such parameter in reality.
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
tezos-client提交投票 免责声明: Tezos网络是一种新的区块链技术. 用户对相关风险承担全部责任 使用Tezos网络.用户应尽其所能 自己进行研究以确定Tezos是否合适 满足他们需求的平台,并应运用判断力和 关心他们的网络互动. 错误: 无法识别的命令. 尝试使用man命令来获取更多信息.tezos-client submit ballot for Disclaimer: The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology. Users are solely responsible for any risks associated with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate platform for their needs and should apply judgement and care in their network interactions. Error: Unrecognized command. Try using the man command to get more information.
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
您读过文件吗?我修改了答案,使其更加清晰,但完整信息可在官方文档的链接中找到Did you read the doc ? I edited my answer to make it even more clear but the full info is available in the link to the official doc
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
是的,我非常仔细地阅读了文档,投票不在主链中?但是在测试链中?Yes, I read the document very carefully, voting is not in the main chain? But in the test chain?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@Sasuke投票现在在主网上进行.我们目前处于提议阶段@Sasuke voting is happening now on mainnet. We are in the proposing phase currently
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
为什么找不到命令?Why can't I find the command?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@佐助哪个命令.请具体说明,因为您的其他评论难以解析@Sasuke which command. Please be specific as your other comments are difficult to parse
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
的投票 我找不到此命令 tezos-client submit ballot forI can't find this command - 0
- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
我更新了最新的主网络分支,但未查看投票参数.I updated the latest main network branch and did not view the voting parameters.
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@Sasuke我看到了,所以它意味着您没有更新到最新的客户端.@Sasuke i see it so it means you did not update to the latest client.
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
如何检查它是否是最新的分支?How can I check if it is the latest branch?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@Sasuke检查您的提交哈希与gitlab上的最新哈希@Sasuke check your commit hash vs the latest on gitlab
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
这个聊天框可以添加屏幕截图吗?Can this chat box add screenshots?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@Sasuke的目的不是聊天.如果您无法遵循指示,请转至TG继续此对话@Sasuke this is not meant to chat. Go to TG to continue this conversation if you cannot follow instructions
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
是的,我不太了解这个过程.你能提供电报吗?Yes, I don’t quite understand the process. Can you provide your telegram?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@佐助去Mainchan好友@Sasuke go to the mainchan buddy
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
什么是mainchan?what is mainchan?
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
我已经更新了主网,但是仍然没有上面的命令.I have updated the mainnet, but I still don't have the above command.
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- 2019-03-17
- Sasuke
@Sasuke对不起,您当时必须做错了什么.无论如何,这就是答案.如果您还有其他疑问,请使用各种可用的支持渠道(电报,骚乱,闲散).您可以引用此问题,但这不是聊天框,因此最好将您的问题继续发送到其他地方的社区.希望你能理解.@Sasuke sorry you must have done something incorrectly then. At any rate this is the answer. If you have further question please use various support channels available (telegram, riot, slack) which are available. You can reference this question but this is not chatbox so better continue your questions to the community elsewhere. Hope you understand.
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy
评论不作进一步讨论;此对话已[移至聊天](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/91164/discussion-on-answer-by-ezy-how-do-i-vote-for-a-proposal).Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been [moved to chat](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/91164/discussion-on-answer-by-ezy-how-do-i-vote-for-a-proposal).
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- 2019-03-17
- Ezy