1 个回答
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- 2019-02-27
set ledger high watermark
命令所需的分类帐地址是通过以下命令列出的地址:$ ./tezos-client list connected ledgers Found a Tezos Baking 1.5.0 (commit v1.4.3-21-gf3071161) application running on Ledger Nano S at [0001:001d:00]. To use keys at BIP32 path m/44'/1729'/0'/0' (default Tezos key path), use one of tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/ed25519/0'/0'" tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/secp256k1/0'/0'" tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/P-256/0'/0'
$ ./tezos-client set ledger high watermark for "ledger://<animal>/ed25519/0'/0'" to 0
The ledger address required for the
set ledger high watermark
command is what is listed via the command:$ ./tezos-client list connected ledgers Found a Tezos Baking 1.5.0 (commit v1.4.3-21-gf3071161) application running on Ledger Nano S at [0001:001d:00]. To use keys at BIP32 path m/44'/1729'/0'/0' (default Tezos key path), use one of tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/ed25519/0'/0'" tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/secp256k1/0'/0'" tezos-client import secret key ledger_<username> "ledger://<animal>/P-256/0'/0'
So the second thing you tried is the correct method:
$ ./tezos-client set ledger high watermark for "ledger://<animal>/ed25519/0'/0'" to 0
That said, the error you are receiving usually means you haven't confirmed with the physical ledger that the watermark change is allowed. In other words, you may not have pressed the button on the ledger to confirm the change. Yes, there is a physical confirmation on the ledger required to change the high watermark. This is presumably to prevent someone with shell access without physical access to the ledger to cause double baking/endorsing.
♂️肯定是物理构造,您应该已经看到我在命令中猛击,并且从我的办公桌到服务器室以全速运行以确认谢谢!!♂️ it was the physical conformation for sure You should have seen me punching in the command and running full speed from my desk to the server room to confirm Thanks!!
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- 2019-02-27
- asbjornenge
FYI`授权分类账烘烤`无需`设置分类账高水印`起作用FYI `authorize ledger to bake` is not required for `set ledger high watermark` to work
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- 2019-02-28
- Elliot Cameron
感谢@ElliotCameron,我删除了那条答案.Thanks @ElliotCameron, I removed that piece of the answer.
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- 2019-02-28
- Frank
尝试使用分类帐tz1 addr:
获取HWM有效,但仅适用于动物URI ♂️