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At the present time about 80% of the tezos tokens are actively used to bake/stake so the circulating supply you can buy on exchange is quite low.
Therefore it would not even possible currently for an attacker to purchase 51% of tezos token and become a "majority holder".
Now the consensus protocol itself would not allow a 51% holder to double spend just like that because block baking rights are allocated long in advance (7 cycles or 21 days roughly) and to create a reorg you need to show a succession of block that have higher fitness than the current chain so if you look at the chain now you could already tell if some baker has been given rights to bake multiple blocks in succession.
In general to achieve statistical finality in tezos, you can wait 30 confirmations before you tx has enough confirmations to be ultra unlikely to be reorged away.
So you see that to attack the network the way you describe would not only require a large stake but also a large stake for a long time and that's not easy.
You can also find more information about finality in tezos here.
我想知道这种攻击是否可能在像Tezos这样的工作量证明类型的区块链中发生.我认为这要求黑客拥有51%的硬币.根据tzscan 的说法,所有代币的当前市值为346,558,758美元,这并不是一个疯狂的数额(尽管通常,大多数代币不从事销售订单,因为它们处于烘焙服务中;即使有人要购买大量代币,这也会提高价格,并使交易更加昂贵.尽管如此,与PoS类型的区块链相比,在我看来PoW更容易受到51%攻击.是这样吗区块链可以通过某种机制保护自己免受此类攻击吗?