您确定要计算TF和DLS份额吗?我记得最初的总供应量约为750 Mtz.Are you sure of your computation of the TF and DLS share ? I remember that the total initial supply was around 750 Mtz.
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- 2019-02-22
- lefessan
现在找到这些统计数据:https://tezos.foundation/fundraiser-statistics 忘记了早期的支持者.将其添加到我的计算中.据我了解,只有TF + DLS资金的解锁份额才算作流通.Found these stats now: https://tezos.foundation/fundraiser-statistics Forgot early backers. Will add that to my calculation. Only the unlocked share of the TF + DLS funds should be counted as circulating as I understand it.
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- 2019-02-22
- Klassare
2 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-12-20
Circulating supply should be the amount currently being traded on the open market, or available for trading
可以通过添加有关计算量的信息来改善此答案,这些信息给出了Tezos的分配方式,键合功能和已知归属合约的数量.This answer could be improved by adding information on calculating the amount given how Tezos genesis was allocated, how the bonding functions, and known vesting contracts.
- 1
- 2019-12-20
- cousinit
- 2019-02-23
好吧,"正式"信息在tzscan API中可用,但在此处是785,312,974.863851.从该API提取的其他网站(例如 coingecko )中也显示了这一点.
您是正确的,它在其他站点(例如CMC)中的显示方式有所不同.但是,如果您查看CMC中的其他硬币,则可以看到它们对于其他硬币也具有不同的编号.例如在 CMC 和其自己的网站.甚至比特币也不完全与其他站点一致( CMC ,资源管理器). PoS货币显示不同数字的示例是PIVX( CMC ,资源管理器).
Well, the "official" information, available in tzscan API but also here is that of 785,312,974.863851. This is also shown in other websites that draw from that API (like coingecko).
You are right that it is shown differently in other sites, for instance, CMC. However, if you look into other coins in CMC, you can see they have different numbers for other coins too. Compare for instance Monero in CMC and in their own website. Not even Bitcoin they are totally consistent with other sites (CMC, explorer). An example for a PoS currency showing different numbers is PIVX (CMC, explorer).
"官方"信息显然是错误的,因为它包含应该流通的硬币.这就是为什么我要求正确的数字.我认为正确性和透明度对于在Tezos周围建立信任至关重要.编造不同的借口不是答案,也无济于事.The "official" information is obviously wrong, since it include coins that should be out of circulation. That's why I ask for the correct numbers. I think correctness and transparency is important for building trust around Tezos. Making up different kind of excuses is not an answer and doesn't help anyone.
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- 2019-02-23
- Klassare
作为一种特殊情况,您是否要排除归属多重签名合同中锁定的代币?通常,我认为要确定任意脚本合约余额中的某些代币是否正在"流通"将非常困难.Do you wish to exclude the tokens locked in the vesting multisig contracts, as a special case? Generally, I think it will be very difficult to determine whether some tokens in the balance of an arbitrary scripted contract are "circulating"...
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- 2019-02-23
- Tom
是的,我认为在TF + DLS的归属合同中排除已锁定的令牌是纠正该错误的唯一方法.内省所有合同通常会很复杂.Yes, I think excluding the locked up tokens in the vesting contracts for TF + DLS is the only way to do it correct. Introspect all contracts in general would ofc be to complex.
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- 2019-02-24
- Klassare
我正在寻找Tzscan的 API 用于循环供应. 611 454 213 tez是分布式筹款活动参与者和早期支持者.现在应该解锁大约 24 458 195 泰兹(16%)的TF + DLS资金. 21 143 856 奖品未冻结,而 149 845 的奖品已被烧毁.这将使我们的流通量约为 656906419 tez. CMC 显示 607 489 041 和 coingecko /tzscan显示了流通量为 785 312 978 .谁能解释真实的数字并结束当前的混乱?