我可以将Ledger Nano S连接到Tezos烘焙节点,并获得Nano S标志块和认可吗?
我只是听说有可能.我正在寻找指南-甚至不知道从哪里开始.I just heard it was possible. I'm looking for a guide - don't even know where to start.
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- 2019-02-18
- Svante
"太宽泛"?我的问题的哪一部分不清楚?"too broad"? Which part of my question is not clear?
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- 2019-02-19
- Svante
已为您提供了答案.您现在尝试了什么?you have been offered answers. what have you tried now ?
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- 2019-02-22
- Ezy
我已经很好地回答了我的问题.我不明白为什么我的问题已经结束.那是很粗鲁的,不会帮助我理解如何更好地要求它.I have accepted a good answer to my question. I don't understand why my question have been closed. That's quite rude and does not help me understand how I could have asked it better.
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- 2019-02-25
- Svante
您的问题的标题太宽泛.但是正文中包含一个有效的问题:"我可以将Ledger Nano S连接到Tezos烘焙节点上,并获得Nano S标志块和认可吗?"这将使标题更好,然后由正文描述您的设置(例如OS,本地vs vps,泊坞窗?).只要您进行搜索以确保它不是重复的,我认为可以重新提出这个问题.The Title of your question is too broad. But the body includes a valid question "Can I connect a Ledger Nano S to a Tezos baking node and have the Nano S sign blocks and endorsements?" which would make for a better Title and then have the body describe your setup (e.g.OS, local vs vps, docker?). As long as you search to make sure it's not a duplicate I think the question could be re-opened.
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- 2019-02-27
- cousinit
2 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-02-18
有一个专门用于Obsidian Systems烘焙的应用程序.
您可以通过Ledger Live安装它(您可能仍需要在Ledger Live中启用开发人员模式).说明此处.
需要注意的一件事是,出于安全原因,烘焙应用程序和钱包应用程序是分开的.由于您需要在烘烤时保持烘烤应用程序运行,因此不允许签署交易.退出应用程序将需要分类帐销.One thing to note is that the baking app and the wallet app are separate for security reasons. Because you would need to keep the baking app running while baking, it does not allow signing transactions. And exiting the apps would require the ledger pin.
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- 2019-02-18
- Frank
我可以将Ledger Nano S连接到烘焙服务器,并获得Nano S标牌和认可吗?如果是这样,我该怎么办?