1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-02-16
保证金¶保证金的成本是 BLOCK_SECURITY_DEPOSIT=每个创建的区块512 XTZ, ENDORSEMENT_SECURITY_DEPOSIT=每个背书64 XTZ.每位代表 密钥具有关联的保证金帐户.当代表烘烤时 或背书块,保证金将自动移至 存款帐户在PRESERVED_CYCLES个周期后被冻结 它会自动移回到面包师的主要帐户. 由于存款的锁定时间为PRESERVED_CYCLES,因此可以 计算在任何给定时间,大约(((BLOCK_SECURITY_DEPOSIT + ENDORSEMENT_SECURITY_DEPOSIT * ENDORSERS_PER_BLOCK)* (PRESERVED_CYCLES +1)* BLOCKS_PER_CYCLE)/763e6=总数的8.25% 代币应作为保证金存放.这也意味着 委托应拥有超过8.25%的委托代币数量 为了避免错过创建任何块的机会.
这是" 8.25%"数字的来源.但是,它假设主动进行的XTZ总数中的特定数量为763,000,000,这不是实际情况.
可以在tzstats 此处上实时获得xtz的实际数量.
当前在313728高度的放样量为503,461,245.334 xtz.
Regarding the security deposit/bond requirement, it is explained on the tezos official documentation:
Security deposits¶ The cost of a security deposit is BLOCK_SECURITY_DEPOSIT = 512 XTZ per block created and ENDORSEMENT_SECURITY_DEPOSIT = 64 XTZ per endorsement. Each delegate key has an associated security deposit account. When a delegate bakes or endorses a block the security deposit is automatically moved to the deposit account where it is frozen for PRESERVED_CYCLES cycles, after which it is automatically moved back to the baker’s main account. Since deposits are locked for a period of PRESERVED_CYCLES one can compute that at any given time, about ((BLOCK_SECURITY_DEPOSIT + ENDORSEMENT_SECURITY_DEPOSIT * ENDORSERS_PER_BLOCK) * (PRESERVED_CYCLES + 1) * BLOCKS_PER_CYCLE) / 763e6 = 8.25% of all tokens should be held as security deposits. It also means that a delegate should own over 8.25% of the amount of token delegated to them in order to not miss out on creating any block.
This is where the “8.25%” number comes from. However it assumes a specific number of the total XTZ actively staking to be 763,000,000 which is not the actual situation.
You can also interpret this number as the security deposit of “the entire network” in some sense however this does not tell you accurately what is the capital requirement for an individual baker.
The actual number of xtz staking can be obtained in real time on tzstats here.
Currently the amount staking at height 313728 is 503,461,245.334 xtz.
Using that number the effective percentage of xtz that is needed as security deposit is roughly 12.5%.
Note also one more time that this number is just an expectation because the realized number depends directly on the number of rights that a baker is allocated from cycle to cycle and that number fluctuates randomly (with less variance as the number of rolls grows though) so the bond requirement fluctuates accordingly.
很好的解释.但是,如果在面包机运行时数量增加,直到确保进一步确保面包机不再烘烤的xtz,这意味着什么?那么谁又如何确保连续的xtz自动流入贝克账户以符合当前要求呢?good explanation. but what does it mean then if the number increased while a baker is running, until further xtz are secured that baker wont bake anymore? Then who and how it would be made sure continuous xtz are automatically flowing into baker account to match the current requirement?
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- 2019-02-19
- kahmed
@kahmed,请提出一个新问题,并使您的问题更加清楚.您指的是"数字"?@kahmed please ask a new question and also make your question more clear. What is the « number » you are refering to ?
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- 2019-02-19
- Ezy
好吧,正是在这一点上,所以不想创建一个新线程.该数字表示" 8.25".说它波动了10%,那么会发生什么,面包师必须存放更多的xtz才能匹配它或不能烘烤?另外,不确定您是如何得出12.5%的?well, its exactly on this point so didn't wanna create a new thread. The number referring to "8.25" . say it fluctuated up to 10% then what would happen and the baker have to deposit more xtz to match it or can't bake? Also, not sure how you came up with 12.5%?
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- 2019-02-19
- kahmed
@kahmed给定特定面包师的押金取决于其回答中所说明的烘烤权数量.分配烘焙权限后,它不会"向上或向下".12.5%只是使用503m xtz而不是763m xtz所获得的百分比,如答案中所述.@kahmed the deposit for a given specific baker is dependent on the number of baking rights as explained in the answer that’s it. It will not go « up or down » when the baking rights are allocated. The 12.5% is just the % obtained using 503m xtz instead of 763m xtz as explained in the answer.
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- 2019-02-19
- Ezy
因此,作为第一次面包师,假设我只用一个权利,那么我从512 xtz + 64=576开始吗?so as a very first time baker assuming just a single right what I start with 512 xtz + 64 = 576?
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- 2019-02-19
- kahmed
@kahmed我认为如果您仔细阅读会非常清楚地进行解释.首先,当您说" 1对"时,您就模棱两可.您指的是哪种权利?烘焙还是认可?@kahmed i think it is very clearly explained if you read carefully. First of all when you say « 1 right » you are ambiguous. What kind of right are you refering to ? Baking or endorsement ?
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- 2019-02-19
- Ezy
我读了很多遍..我很难弄清保证金是多少?我说过一项权利,它只可以烘烤一个委托基金.我只想开始一家新面包店,需要多少XTZ?我知道我很烦你,但是找不到一个干净的答案i read so many times..I am having hard time figuring out whats the security deposit would be? I said 1 right to bake a single delegated fund only. All I wanna know to start a s new baker how much XTZ would be required? I know I bugged you a lot but can't find to have a clean answer anwhere
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- 2019-02-19
- kahmed
@kahmed如顶部所述«保证金的成本是每块512 xtz和每个背书64 xtz»»这里有什么不清楚的地方?@kahmed as explained in the top « the cost of a security deposit is 512 xtz per block and 64 xtz per endorsement » what is unclear here ?
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- 2019-02-19
- Ezy
@kahmed还«拥有一支委托基金的权利»并没有任何意义.您拥有1块或数块权利来烘烤一块和/或1块或数项权利得到认可@kahmed also « 1 right to bake a single delegated fund » does not mean anything. You have 1 or several rights for baking a block and/or 1 or several rights for endorsement
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- 2019-02-19
- Ezy
好的..非常感谢,一开始我需要在我的贝克账户上总计576 xtz,才能以代表身份进行烘焙和认可?ok..thanks so basically as a started I need total 576 xtz on my baker account in order to bake and endorse as a delegate?
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- 2019-02-19
- kahmed