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- 0
- 2019-02-03
- Sm00g15
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-01-30
tz1 and kt1 addresses have the same functionality in terms of transactions. However, there is one difference, kt1 accounts have smart contract functionality and tz1 does not. Also, you can use your tz1 account to self-bake but you cannot use your tz1 account to delegate. As for kt1 accounts, you can use this address to delegate but you cannot use your kt1 to bake.
同样重要的是要知道: KT1是由tz1地址控制的智能合约. 没有tz1地址,就无法拥有KT1.Also important to know: The KT1 is a smart contract controlled by the tz1 address. You can't have a KT1 without a tz1 address.
- 7
- 2019-01-30
- Blindripper
tz1地址(又称"经理地址")是您的初始地址,您可以使用它来进行交易以及使用自己的节点进行tez(自)烘焙.如果要将烘焙委托给其他面包师,则需要创建一个"派生"地址.该派生地址是KT1地址.从您选择的钱包中的tz1地址获得KT1之后,您将需要将指向外部面包师的金额转移到您的KT1地址,然后将此KT1地址指向您选择的面包师.The tz1 address, aka the "manager address" is your initial address that you can use both for transactions and for (self)baking your tez using your own node. If you want to delegate baking to someone else's baker you need to create a "derived" address to do. This derived address is the KT1 address. After deriving the KT1 from your tz1 address in your wallet of choice, you will need to transfer the amount that you want to point to an external baker to your KT1 address and point this KT1 address to the baker of your choice.
- 2
- 2019-01-31
- ciTEZen
整洁的事实:KT1地址最初被称为TZ1地址,但是为了清晰起见,它们被核心开发团队重命名,为了纪念Tezos首席执行官Kathleen Breitman,它具有传奇色彩:-)Neat fact: KT1 addresses were initially called TZ1 addresses, but they were renamed by the core dev team for clarity and, legend has it, in honour of Kathleen Breitman, the Tezos CEO :-)
- 4
- 2019-01-31
- ciTEZen