1 个回答
- 投票数
可以肯定的是,只需转到您的KT1帐户,然后在右列上,您应该会在余额下看到代表的tz1.To be sure, just go to your KT1 account and on the right column, you should see the delegate's tz1 under the balance.
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- 2019-02-14
- cago
我看到自己(tz1 ...)被列为经理,而面包师的地址为代表.你是这个意思吗?I see myself (tz1...) listed as Manager and the baker's address as Delegate. Is that what you mean?
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- 2019-02-14
- luchonacho
是的,所以你应该没事.Yes, so you should be fine.
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- 2019-02-14
- cago
那么过一会儿,它应该在面包师的浏览器中显示在授权之下而不是起源吗?So after a while it should show in the baker's explorer under delegation rather than originations?
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- 2019-02-14
- luchonacho
它应该已经在委派部分中.查看"代理人"列表,您的KT1应该已经存在.It should already be in the delegation section. Look at the Delegators list, your KT1 should already be there.
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- 2019-02-14
- cago
您需要转到面包师的"委派"选项卡,而不是您的账户,因为您没有进行委派操作,而是发起事务.You need to go to the baker's delegation tab, not yours since you didn't make a delegation operation but an origination.
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- 2019-02-14
- cago
我刚做过第一个tezos代表团.但是,当我检查面包师的块(在TzScan中)时,可以看到我的代表团不在委托列表中,而在发起者列表中.例如(假示例),这是我的代表团,它在来源中显示为" 1":
如果我转到baker 的块浏览器,则可以请参阅12个代表团和3个发起方,其中头一个是我的.