如何使用RPC API获取钱包地址的烘烤权限列表?
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GET ../<block_id>/helpers/baking_rights?(level=<block_level>)*&(cycle=<block_cycle>)*&(delegate=<pkh>)*&[max_priority=<int>]&[all]
检索允许烘烤块的代表列表.默认, 它为至少有一个面包的面包师提供最佳的烘烤优先级 下一个区块的优先级低于第64位的机会.参量
可用于在 必须返还烘烤权的过去或未来. 参数delegate
可用于将结果限制为给定 代表.如果设置了参数all
,则所有 每个级别的每个面包师都将返回,而不仅仅是第一个. 返回烘烤槽列表.还返回最小时间戳 对应于这些插槽.级别的时间戳被省略 在过去,并且仅在下一个 块,基于所有先前的块均已烘焙的假设 首先.可选的查询参数:
level= 周期= 代表= max_priority=全部
来源: https://tezos.gitlab.io/mainnet/api/rpc.html#get-block-id-helpers-baking-rights
GET ../<block_id>/helpers/baking_rights?(level=<block_level>)*&(cycle=<block_cycle>)*&(delegate=<pkh>)*&[max_priority=<int>]&[all]
Retrieves the list of delegates allowed to bake a block. By default, it gives the best baking priorities for bakers that have at least one opportunity below the 64th priority for the next block. Parameters
can be used to specify the (valid) level(s) in the past or future at which the baking rights have to be returned. Parameterdelegate
can be used to restrict the results to the given delegates. If parameterall
is set, all the baking opportunities for each baker at each level are returned, instead of just the first one. Returns the list of baking slots. Also returns the minimal timestamps that correspond to these slots. The timestamps are omitted for levels in the past, and are only estimates for levels later that the next block, based on the hypothesis that all predecessor blocks were baked at the first priority.Optional query arguments:
level = cycle = delegate = max_priority = all
Source: https://tezos.gitlab.io/mainnet/api/rpc.html#get-block-id-helpers-baking-rights