2 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-01-30
签名者的防火墙仅允许从IP I列入白名单的节点VPS连接到签名者端口.因此,我认为没有必要设置签名者身份验证.
- 由于签名者没有身份验证,因此任何可以登录到您的烘焙系统的人都可以通过某种方式与远程签名者签名消息,包括余额转移您的保证金/存款.
- 您的签名者上的私钥也可能在VPS上运行时有风险,因为许多VPS提供商没有适当地防止旁道攻击,这可能使VPS提供商或其他客户查看内存内容虚拟机并公开私钥.
- 获得一台可以在家运行的小型Linux服务器.只要您拥有2GB或更多的内存并且有足够的磁盘空间用于区块链(当前截至2019年1月为73GB),这便可以是一台二手PC.
- 使用分类帐存储您的私钥.
- 使用家庭互联网连接,使面包师以
The the signer's firewall only allows connections to the signer port from the node VPS who's IP I whitelisted. Because of this, I didn't feel it was necessary to setup signer authentication.
This is the main security concern I would have. In general, your setup is fairly secure, however, the main risks are:
- Because the signer has no authentication, anyone that can login to your baking system somehow can sign messages with the remote signer, including balance transfer of your bond/deposit.
- The private key on your signer could also be at risk running on a VPS, as many of the VPS providers don't properly protect against side-channel attacks, which could allow the VPS provider or another customer to view the memory contents of your VM and expose the private key.
Another secure method that might be low cost:
- Obtain a small Linux server that you can run at home. This could be a used PC as long as you have 2GB of memory or more and enough disk space for the blockchain (currently 73GB as of January 2019).
- Use a Ledger to store your private keys.
- Have the baker connect in
to the TF boot nodes as you are already doing, using your home internet connection.
谢谢!嗯,是的,我应该设置身份验证.关于私钥,在输入私钥的密码后,它会不加密地存在于内存中. 关于小型Linux服务器,我的IP是通过DHCP提供的,并且由于我的互联网提供商的原因而经常更改.对于其他与我的节点联系的节点(TF节点),更改IP不会有问题吗?Thanks! Ah, ok yeah I should setup authentication. And right about the private key, after I enter the password for the key it will live in memory unencrypted. About the small Linux server, my IP is provided via DHCP and changes often for whatever reason due to my internet provider. This changing IP isn't a problem for other nodes (the TF nodes) contacting my node?
- 1
- 2019-01-30
- lostdorje
如果您使用的是" --private-mode",则无论如何连接都是出站的(您的节点将阻止任何意外的入站连接),因此拥有动态IP地址不会有问题.If you're using `--private-mode` your connections are all outbound anyway (your node will block any unexpected inbound connections) so having a dynamic IP address won't be a problem.
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- 2019-01-30
- Luke Youngblood
- 2019-01-30
签名者的防火墙仅允许从IP I列入白名单的节点VPS连接到签名者端口.因此,我认为没有必要设置签名者身份验证.
The the signer's firewall only allows connections to the signer port from the node VPS who's IP I whitelisted. Because of this, I didn't feel it was necessary to setup signer authentication.
I would flip this. Block all incoming connections to the signer and instead have the signer connect to the TF. That way you don't have to worry about a malicious node trying to connect to your signer through attacks such as IP hijacking.
我不确定我是否理解这一点.签名者需要接受签名请求.签名者本身不连接任何东西,它仅响应签名请求.I'm not sure I understand this. The signer needs to accept requests to sign. The signer itself doesn't connect to anything, it only responds to signing requests.
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- 2019-01-31
- lostdorje
这是在连接级别上.签名者应发出请求.这意味着它可能位于诸如家庭路由器之类的NAT之后,并且您无需打开任何端口即可使签名者可以从外部访问. 这不会影响签发请求的发出方式.它仅影响谁发起TCP连接.This is on the connection level. The signer should issue the request. It means that it can potentially be behind a NAT, such as a home router, and you don't need to open any port to make the signer accessible from the outside world. This doesn't affect how signing requests are issued. It only affects who initiates the TCP connection.
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- 2019-02-01
- adrian
签名者的防火墙仅允许从IP I列入白名单的节点VPS连接到签名者端口.因此,我认为没有必要设置签名者身份验证.
签名人签署我的代表地址,代表地址包含足够的眩晕感(还有一些额外的呼吸空间),以存放estimated-rights.py 脚本.