您能否解释一下"来自机器1的本地IP不起作用"的意思?Could you expand on what you mean by `The local IP from Machine 1 doesn't work.`?
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- 2019-02-08
- Tom Smalley
2台计算机在同一网络上.因此,我尝试在Kiln中输入192.168.xxx.xxx:8732(这是运行该节点的计算机的IP). 窑说:"无法连接".The 2 Machines are on the same network. So i've tried to enter 192.168.xxx.xxx:8732 (that's the IP of the Machine where the node runs) in Kiln. Kiln says: "Unable to connect".
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- 2019-02-08
- Blindripper
您是否有一些防火墙规则妨碍您?Do you have some firewall rules getting in the way?
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- 2019-02-08
- Tom Smalley
我的节点(机器1)通过VPN连接到I-net.但这不应该影响我的本地连接吗?没有防火墙规则.描述的方式正确吗?My node (Machine 1) connects via VPN to the I-net. But that shouldn't influence my local connectivity? No firewall rules. Is the described way correct?
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- 2019-02-11
- Blindripper
甚至有可能连接到Virtual Box外部的东西吗?Is it even possible, to connect to something outside the Virtual Box?
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- 2019-02-11
- Blindripper
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-02-11
I got some protocol errors when I tried adding just
so I had to usehttp://<ip>:<port>
Don't know if that helps, but worked for me. ♂️
是的,窑炉0.4.0现在必须使用" http://".所以我已经尝试过了.:(Yeah, "http://" is now mandatory with kiln 0.4.0. So i've tried that already. :(
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- 2019-02-11
- Blindripper
8732'吗?如果不是,则您的网络问题与节点或窑炉无关. 另外,尝试从计算机1上使用`telnet 8732'来验证您是否已绑定到接口. @Blindripper can you `telnet8732` from machine 2? If no then you have a network issue not related to the node or kiln. Also try `telnet 8732` from machine 1 to verify you are binding to the interface. - 3
- 2019-02-11
- asbjornenge
如果未绑定,如何确定它在计算机1上绑定,以便计算机2可以连接?If its not binding, how do you make sure it binds on machine 1 so machine 2 can connect?
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- 2019-08-14
- Mack Baise
我有2台机器在运行.机器1(Ubuntu 18.04)运行该节点,机器2(Virtual Box NixOS)运行Kiln 0.4.0.