您的第二个陈述是不正确的:您可以通过成为一名独奏者而受益,而无需委托他人your second statement is incorrect: you benefit from compounding as a solo-baker without needing to delegate to someone else
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- 2019-03-02
- Ezy
@Ezy如果您的报酬还不成问题,那就不要了.例如,如果我只有10k xtz.我要花一年多的时间才能积累足够的奖励,才能再次获得名次@Ezy Not if your rewards don't make up another roll. For example if all I have is 10k xtz. It would take more than a year for me to accumulate enough rewards to get another roll at which point I would start compounding
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- 2019-03-02
- xtzbaker
我编辑了您的问题,以澄清您的第二句话i edited your question to clarify your second statement
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- 2019-03-02
- Ezy
另一个似乎不太可能的情况是,面包师会接受6.5XTZ委托:如果您不能从单独烘焙中获得额外的保费,那么假设的面包师也是如此,因此,假设您将设法从另一位面包师那里获得复利收入只是意味着其他面包师将不得不给您奖励,而无需自己额外增加一卷(换句话说,其他面包师将用自己的扑克向您付款).注意:我实际上将此贴发布为我的答案.another premice that seems unlikely is that a baker would accept a 6.5XTZ delegation: if you cannot earn an extra premium from solo-baking, the same goes for the hypothetical baker, so assuming that you will manage to earn your compounding income from another baker just means that that other baker will have to give you rewards without an additional roll of his own (in other words that other baker would be paying you out of his own poket). NB: I posted this as my answer actually.
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- 2019-03-02
- Ezy
如果我已经将可接受的数量委托给面包师,那么大多数人将接受6.5充值,而每个周期都没有任何问题If I already have an acceptable amount delegated to the baker most of them will accept the 6.5 top up without any problems each cycle
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- 2019-03-02
- xtzbaker
它不会改变结论.您的充值不会给面包师带来任何额外的报酬,因此您的额外收入将来自稀释该面包师的其他代表以及面包师自己(取决于他如何计算分配).另外,您现在添加了另一种假设,即您已经拥有另一位被面包师锁定的资金来源.那是几卷?这很重要,因为如果您想平分收益,将资金分散到多个烘焙操作中是次优的It does not change the conclusion. Your top-up earns no marginal extra reward to the baker, so your extra income would come out of diluting other delegators to this baker as well as the baker himself depending on how he calculates the distribution. In addition you are now adding another hypothetical that you already have another source of capital that is locked with a baker. How many rolls is that ? this is important cause it is suboptimal to split your capital accross several baking operations if you want to smooth your rewards
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- 2019-03-02
- Ezy
3 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-05-31
- 周期0中的多余Tezos:
- 在周期0中委派的预期奖励:
(2 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.001169
- 在第0周期中自己烘焙的预期奖励:
- 从周期1的委托中获得的预期奖励:
(2 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.001169 // The compounding is negligible at these levels so not including it for simplicity
- 在第1周期中从自己的烘焙中获得的预期奖励:
10 XTZ
//让我们假设这是物质金额 - 如果在第0周期和第2周期中进行了委托,则可以从周期2获得委托的预期奖励:
((10 - .001272) + (2 - .001272)) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.007018 // The compounding is negligible at these levels so not including it for simplicity
- 如果在第2周期中进行了委派,则会从第2周期的委派中获得预期的奖励:
(12 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.007019
- 在周期0 + 2中委派的超额XTZ期望总值
(10 - .001272) + (2 - 0.001272) + 0.001169 + 0.001169 + 0.007018 = 12.006812
- 等待直到第2周期委派过量的XTZ的过量XTZ总期望值:
(12 - 0.001272) + 0.007019 = 12.005747
.001065 XTZ
.In general the optimum behaviour is to transfer the excess tezos after every cycle as long as the expected rewards from delegating exceed the transaction fee, and leave the excess tezos in your account when the expected returns from delegating do not exceed the transaction fee.
However there is one case where this is not the optimal behaviour, it is very much an edge case, and the difference is not really material, but describing it for completeness as the question was about the optimal solution.
If you have excess XTZ that if delegated would not result in enough to cover the transfer fee and you are not expecting to receive any rewards in the current cycle then the optimum choice is to transfer the funds straightaway. Hopefully the example below illustrates why.
- Excess Tezos in Cycle 0:
- Expected rewards for delegating in Cycle 0:
(2 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.001169
- Expected rewards in Cycle 0 from own baking:
- Expected rewards from delegation for Cycle 1:
(2 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.001169 // The compounding is negligible at these levels so not including it for simplicity
- Expected rewards in Cycle 1 from own baking:
10 XTZ
// Let's assume it's a material amount - Expected rewards from delegation for Cycle 2 if delegated in cycle 0 and cycle 2:
((10 - .001272) + (2 - .001272)) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.007018 // The compounding is negligible at these levels so not including it for simplicity
- Expected rewards from delegation for Cycle 2 if delegated in cycle 2:
(12 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.007019
- Total expected value of excess XTZ for delegating in Cycle 0 + 2:
(10 - .001272) + (2 - 0.001272) + 0.001169 + 0.001169 + 0.007018 = 12.006812
- Total expected value of excess XTZ for waiting until cycle 2 to delegate excess:
(12 - 0.001272) + 0.007019 = 12.005747
Delegating straight away results in an additional
.001065 XTZ
. -
- 2019-02-05
It makes totally sense, to delegate the "excess XTZ". Just full rolls bake for you. Every undelegated XTZ (considering the fee) above a full roll are wasted rewards.
The calculation is looking good to me.
You just need to have an eye on the "Next Roll Goal" (7 cycles before). So you can delegate back to yourself.
- 2019-03-02
A premise that seems unlikely is that a baker would accept a 6.5XTZ delegation.
If you cannot earn an extra premium from these 6.5XTZ by solo-baking, the same goes for the hypothetical baker.
So assuming that you will manage to earn your compounding income from another baker just means that that other baker will have to give you rewards without an additional roll of his own (in other words that other baker would be paying you out of his own pocket).
Therefore although your math is correct the premise is conditional on find a generous baker to pay you out from his own pocket which is unrealistic in my opinion.
是的,绝对必须确保面包师的支出结构能够为您带来期望的回报.大多数面包师(尤其是较小的面包师)讨厌小型代表团,因为每个周期都有很多人付出,而您的代表团很少会帮助他们全面发展.yes, definitely have to make sure the payout structure of the baker will give you the rewards you expect. Most bakers(especially smaller) hate small delegations as a lot pay out every cycle and your delegation rarely will help them get to a full roll.
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- 2019-03-02
- Frank
当前有许多面包师正在接受这种行为.当然,这不是给定的,并且因面包师而异,但这绝对不是不可能.There are a number of bakers currently operating that accept this kind of behaviour. Granted it is not a given, and varies by baker but it is definitely not unlikely.
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- 2019-05-31
- xtzbaker
想象一下,我是一个面包师,面包卷为1辊(10k XTZ),考虑到当前每个周期我应该赚取6.5 XTZ(0.065%)的主动辊数,粗略估算一下,让我们假设这是静态的,不变,也就是说,每个周期我将准确获得0.065%.
现在,随着奖励的开始支付,它们将不足以让我再赚一卷,因此我的烘焙权仍然相当于一卷,因此我的奖励将保持在每个周期6.5 XTZ.由于我的奖励太小,除非我将6.5委派给另一位面包师,否则我似乎无法从复利中受益.
但是,委派行为需要进行交易,才能将6.5 XTZ从我的烘烤tz1帐户转移到KT1帐户,这会产生交易费.看来最低交易费用为0.001272mtz,所以我们假设这是我们必须支付的.
如果我们假设从代表团获得的任何奖励都收取10%的费用(按照我自己的面包师收取的6.5%的固定回报),我的6.5 XTZ奖励将获得
(6.5 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.00380175588 xtz
.假设面包师要承担交易费用.因此,从.00380> .001272开始,每个周期之后都应该转移多余的XTZ.即使面包师转嫁交易费也应该值得.
现在,我们知道烘烤并不是那么线性,某些周期我会或多或少地烘烤,所以让我们假设一个糟糕的情况,我只认可一个区块以获得2 XTZ奖励.现在在这种情况下,如果我立即转移多余的款项,我的预期奖励为
(2 - .001272) * .00065 * (1 - 0.10) = 0.001169