现在,下载完整的主网已分成多个部分,因为超过Github的2GB限制.下载以.00和.01结尾的完整快照后,必须使用此命令将其提取到一个文件中: ``` 猫mainnet.full.*|xz -d -v -T0>mainnet.importme ``` _note:我从Github上更新的文档中将输出文件后缀保留为.importme,以防万一满足输入正则表达式的管道输出会破坏事物_Downloading the full mainnet is broken into multiple pieces now, as its over Github's 2GB limit. After downloading the full snapshot ending in .00 and .01, one must use this command to extract into one file: ``` cat mainnet.full.* | xz -d -v -T0 > mainnet.importme ``` _note: I left the output file suffix as .importme from the updated documentation on Github, just in case the piped output meeting the input regex would break things_
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- 2020-02-20
- mark
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2020-02-18
我最近写了一篇很奇怪的角色,在debian机器上做这一切: 您可以在此处查看: https://gitlab.com/abate/training-2020-deploy/-/tree/master/ansible
I recently wrote and ansible role to do all this on debian machines : you can check it out here : https://gitlab.com/abate/training-2020-deploy/-/tree/master/ansible
I'm still working on the ssh tunnel that is not super reliable, but the rest seems working.
真好!如果有机会,我会检查一下Nice! I'll check that out when I have a chance
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- 2020-02-19
- Mack Baise