有时这可能会以令人惊讶的方式发生.我建议更详细地描述您所做的事情和观察到的事情.如果可以的话,也许可以在[沙盒环境](http://tezos.gitlab.io/mainnet/user/sandbox.html)中进行复制,或者根据需要清理出真实的细节.同样,检查`/chains/main/mempool/pending_operations`的内容可能很有启发.我不清楚这是什么原因造成的,但是我可以提供更多详细信息的更好答案.最糟糕的情况是,如果我是对的,则问题应在大约60块后自动消失.This can sometimes happen in surprising ways. I recommend describing what you did and what you observe in more detail. Perhaps reproduce in a [sandbox environment](http://tezos.gitlab.io/mainnet/user/sandbox.html), if you can, or scrub out your real details if you like. Also, inspecting the contents of `/chains/main/mempool/pending_operations` might be illuminating. I have a vague idea what causes this but I can give a better answer with more details. Worst case, if I'm right, the problem should go away automatically after ~60 blocks.
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- 2019-06-05
- Tom
谢谢汤姆的评论.似乎是先前的交易失败了(在收到成功操作tx之后).费用太低了.更友好的错误消息应该成为重点.现在,我收到另一个错误(在新帖子中).Thanks for your comments Tom. It seemed to be a previous transaction which failed (after receiving a success operation tx). The fee was too low. Friendlier error messages should be a focus. Now im getting another error (in a new post).
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- 2019-06-06
- Vindberg
另一个更新:在使用eztzjs且先前的事务尚未提交到某个块时发生.如果我想快速发送第二笔交易,将不得不在eztz中找到一种手动定义随机数的方法.对这个汤姆有什么见识吗?Another update: It happens when using eztz js and the previous transaction hasn't been committed to a block yet. Will have to find a way in eztz to define the nonce manually if I want to send a second transaction quickly after another. Any insight on this Tom?
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- 2019-06-06
- Vindberg
对,这听起来像是两个不同的原因.在低费用的情况下,问题涉及节点.我想在每个块有多个操作的情况下,这纯粹是一个客户端(eztz)问题.也许答案可以解释这个错误的所有常见原因...Right, that sounds like two separate causes. In the case of low fees, the problem involves the node. In the case of multiple ops per block, it is purely a client (eztz) problem, I guess. Maybe an answer could try to explain all the common causes of this error...
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- 2019-06-06
- Tom
您解决了这个问题吗?尝试一次发送多个TX时似乎很常见Did you solved this issue? seems pretty common when trying to send multiple tx, one after the other
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- 2019-07-31
- Rocco Musolino
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2020-06-05
I also faced same error - "Branch refused" sometimes for contract deployment on tezos network. This error occurs when we use wrong network url. First of all make sure your network provider link is correct. And try by changing gas price and maximum limit values while deploying. This might help you out.
更新:错误消息在这里: https://tezos.gitlab.io/mainnet/api/errors.html 尽管它似乎不完整,因为我收到了列表中未找到的几条消息.