问题过于笼统,见仁见智.请询问具体的技术问题.Question is overly broad and a matter of opinion. Please ask specific technical questions.
- 1
- 2019-01-31
- Arthur B
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-01-31
像Ledger Nano这样的硬件钱包是很好的冷藏解决方案.
Hardware wallets like the Ledger Nano are good cold storage solutions.
Offline-wallet creation in an air-gap device is also a good solution.
Kukai wallet offers you the possibility to do offline-signing so your seed is never exposed to the online world when interacting with the network.
" ledger"和"nano"均指Ledger公司的设备" Nano S".您可能指的是" Ledger"或" Trezor"(主要竞争对手)"ledger" and "nano" are both refering to the device "Nano S" by the company Ledger. You probably meant "Ledger" or "Trezor" (the main competitor)
- 0
- 2019-04-14
- Clement J.
gen keys new