使用sudo gdebi kiln_0.5.1_amd64.deb在Debian Linux上安装了Kiln,但UI无法在浏览器中打开。我能做什么?
如果未启用环回功能,您是否尝试过http://`?另外,systemd服务是否显示它是活动的并且正在运行而没有错误?您还可以使用`journalctl -u kiln -ef`查看日志Have you tried `` in case your loopback is not enabled? Also, is the systemd service showing that it's active and running without error? You can also look at logs with `journalctl -u kiln -ef`
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- 2019-04-19
- Elliot Cameron
-日志从CEST 2019-04-19 10:22:48开始.- 4月19日23:15:14用户systemd [1]:kiln.service:设备进入失败状态. 4月19日23:15:14用户systemd [1]:kiln.service:失败,结果为"退出代码". 4月19日23:15:19用户systemd [1]:kiln.service:服务延期超时,计划重新启动.-- Logs begin at Fri 2019-04-19 10:22:48 CEST. -- Apr 19 23:15:14 user systemd[1]: kiln.service: Unit entered failed state. Apr 19 23:15:14 user systemd[1]: kiln.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Apr 19 23:15:19 user systemd[1]: kiln.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
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- 2019-04-19
- ciTEZen
4月19日23:15:19用户systemd [1]:停止窑. 4月19日23:15:19用户systemd [1]:启动了窑炉. 4月19日23:15:19用户run-kiln [19660]:取消共享:取消共享失败:不允许操作 4月19日23:15:19用户systemd [1]:kiln.service:退出主进程,代码=已退出,状态=1/FAILURE反复Apr 19 23:15:19 user systemd[1]: Stopped Kiln. Apr 19 23:15:19 user systemd[1]: Started Kiln. Apr 19 23:15:19 user run-kiln[19660]: unshare: unshare failed: Operation not permitted Apr 19 23:15:19 user systemd[1]: kiln.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE over and over again
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- 2019-04-19
- ciTEZen
什么版本的Ubuntu?What version of Ubuntu?
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- 2019-04-21
- Elliot Cameron
我正在使用Debian.Ubuntu不仅仅是Debian的重新打包吗?Fredcy建议使用Debian ...I am using Debian. Isn't Ubuntu just a repackage of Debian? Fredcy recommends using Debian...
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- 2019-04-22
- ciTEZen
对不起.我现在在标题中看到了.I'm sorry. I see that in the title now.
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- 2019-04-23
- Elliot Cameron
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-04-23
Kiln的0.5.1版本具有Debian软件包(.deb),具有讽刺意味的是,该软件包不适用于Debian.它仅适用于Ubuntu.这是因为Ubuntu默认情况下会启用用户名称空间,而Debian不会.您可以按照以下"永久"说明在Debian上手动启用它们: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/303214/197651
echo 'kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1' > /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf
Version 0.5.1 of Kiln has a Debian package (.deb) that, ironically, doesn't work on Debian. It only works on Ubuntu. This is because Ubuntu enables user namespaces by default but Debian does not. You can manually enable them on Debian by following the "permanent" instructions here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/303214/197651
echo 'kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1' > /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf
This should be fixed in an upcoming release by having the installer do this step for you.
大!这工作了.你真厉害!非常感谢.Great! This worked. You are amazing! Thank you so much.
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- 2019-04-23
- ciTEZen
刚刚注意到,该节点的大小已经超出了我可以在本地下载的大小:-(因此,"奖金"问题,我想:如何配置Kiln以使用外部存储介质上的目录,该目录是400 GB SSD驱动器?Just noticed, that the node has grown bigger than what I can download locally :-( So, "bonus" question, I guess: how do I configure Kiln to use a directory on my external storage medium, which is a 400 GB SSD drive?
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- 2019-04-24
- ciTEZen
您需要将--kiln-data-dir=/path/to/another/place传递给Kiln.对于deb软件包,您可以按照以下说明配置自定义参数:https://gitlab.com/obsidian.systems/tezos-bake-monitor/blob/develop/docs/distros/ubuntu.md#configuring-the-ubuntu-包 因此,例如您将回显'KILNARGS="-kiln-data-dir=/path/to/location"'>/etc/kiln/args`You need to pass `--kiln-data-dir=/path/to/another/place` to Kiln. For the deb package you can configure custom arguments by following instructions here: https://gitlab.com/obsidian.systems/tezos-bake-monitor/blob/develop/docs/distros/ubuntu.md#configuring-the-ubuntu-package So, e.g. you'd `echo 'KILNARGS="--kiln-data-dir=/path/to/location"' > /etc/kiln/args`
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- 2019-04-24
- Elliot Cameron
当然,如果要重用它,则还需要将旧数据目录移动到该新位置.如果您实际上用完了磁盘空间,那么您的节点可能会卡在无效的块上(这需要一些手动干预),因此从头开始可能更容易.You will also, of course, need to move the old data directory to this new location if you want to reuse it. If you actually ran out of disk space then your node might be stuck on invalid blocks (which requires some manual intervention) so it might be easier to just start from scratch.
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- 2019-04-24
- Elliot Cameron
谢谢!我停止并移除了旧节点,更改了参数,重启了窑,创建了一个新节点,然后在发生这种情况后再次将其停止https://i.imgur.com/w4vcSIy.png:窑中没有数据显示数据文件夹.Thanks! I stopped and removed the old node, changed the args, restarted kiln, created a new node and then stopped it again after this this happened https://i.imgur.com/w4vcSIy.png: no data is showing up in the Kiln Data folder.
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- 2019-04-24
- ciTEZen
@ciTEZen最简单的方法:从文件夹名称(和父母)中删除空格.否则,您需要在路径本身周围添加引号,例如`KILNARGS="-kiln-data-dir='/path/to/folder with space'".更改配置后,您还需要" sudo systemctl restart kiln".我之前没有提到那部分.@ciTEZen Easiest way: Remove spaces from your folder name (and parents). Otherwise, you need to add quotes around the path itself like `KILNARGS="--kiln-data-dir='/path/to/folder with space'"`. You will need to also `sudo systemctl restart kiln` after changing the config. I neglected to mention that part before.
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- 2019-04-25
- Elliot Cameron
不幸的是,此选项不适用于debian安装(自窑炉0.5.1起),因为窑炉只能访问文件系统的某些区域. 作为解决方法,您可以将外部磁盘安装在路径"/var/lib/kiln/data-dir"上Unfortunately this option will not work with debian installation (as of kiln 0.5.1), because the kiln has access to only some areas of the filesystem. As a workaround you can mount your external disk on the path `/var/lib/kiln/data-dir`
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- 2019-05-01
- dfordivam
Kiln似乎已安装并启用.至少这就是systemctl list-unit-files --type=service|grep kiln建议,其中显示" kiln.serviceenabled".我已经重新启动了几次,但是在Firefox中输入 http://localhost:8000 总是会告诉我"无法连接".这可能是什么原因? Ubuntu基于Debian,因此.deb文件应该可以工作.我首先尝试通过dpkg安装它,但是失败了.我认为这是一个依赖性问题,因为使用gdebi似乎可以解决该问题.难道我还需要手动安装一些Ubuntu特定的东西才能在浏览器中运行?