Tezos CLI,Ledger Nano,Tezbox和HD Wallet:访问我的xtz时出现问题
嗨,欢迎来到tezos堆栈交流!请提供您所指文档的链接.它将有助于更好地了解,谢谢!hi, welcome to tezos stack exchange! please provide link of the docs you are referring to. It will help understand better, thanks!
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- 2019-04-14
- Ezy
H,您说您尝试过蛮力推导路径的最后2个部分,但是您是否使用3≠曲线尝试了它们?H, you say you tried to brute force the last 2 parts of the derivation path, but did you try them with the 3 ≠ curves?
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- 2019-04-14
- Seb Mondet
嗨,Seb,我假设默认情况下使用ed25519曲线方案的tezbox和tezos应用程序.您是否认为可能是其他原因?-因为我没有更改此设置.我将对此进行检查,以检查是否可以在应用程序端进行更改.Hi Seb, I assumed tezbox and tezos application used by default the ed25519 curve scheme. Do you think it could be otherwise?--because I did not change this setup. I will look into that to check if it can have been changed on the application side.
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- 2019-04-15
- tndnz
@Ezy,谢谢.顺便说一句,我想对以前不是我的帖子的编辑表示歉意,但是作为新用户,我无法回答或评论.实际上,这更多是急于寻求答案的结果,但并不是要绕过规则或污染讨论.抱歉@Ezy, thank you. BTW I wanted to apologize before for the editing of a post which was not mine, but as a new user I could not answer or comment. It was really more the result of rush to try to get an answer, but not intended to bypass rules or pollute discussions. Sorry for that.
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- 2019-04-15
- tndnz
最近,我无法通过TezBox访问我的Ledger NanoS.路径('44'/1729'/0'/0'`)似乎错误.我可以使用Galleon访问它,它使用不同的路径:'44'/1729'/0'/0'/0'`.不知道这是否特定于我的账本,但希望对您有所帮助.Recently I could not access my Ledger Nano S via TezBox. The path (`44'/1729'/0'/0'`) seems wrong. I could access it using Galleon, which uses a different path: `44'/1729'/0'/0'/0'`. Not sure if this is specific to my Ledger or not, but I hope it helps.
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- 2019-04-18
- palthk_on
您好@pathk_on,谢谢您的建议.当我最初通过tezbox链接分类帐时,并按照默认的PATH 44'/1729'/0'/0'进行链接,这并没有改变我的问题.您可以添加一个级别,但是应该通过Tezos CLI`tezos-clientimport secret key your_ledger" ledger://animals-animals-strange-incantation/ed25519/0'/0'/0'"找到相同的PKH,其中您添加此额外的"级别".不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你.Hello @pathk_on, thanks for the suggestion. It does not change my problem as I initially linked my ledger via tezbox, and by doing so following the 44'/1729'/0'/0' default PATH hierarchy. You can add a level, but you should find the same PKH through Tezos CLI `tezos-client import secret key your_ledger "ledger://animals-animals-strange-incantation/ed25519/0'/0'/0'"` where you add this extra 'level'. Thanks anyway.
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- 2019-04-23
- tndnz
你解决这个问题了吗我有同样的问题.允许时,我将旧地址迁移到分类帐中.现在我无法访问我的tezos.did you solve this problem. I have the same exact problem. I migrated my old address into the ledger when Allowed. now I can't access my tezos.
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- 2020-05-26
- jared c
1 个回答
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- 2019-04-17
查找丢失的地址tezos-client import secret key ledger_yourstruly "ledger://adjective-animal-adjective-animal/ed25519/"
It is most likely that your address is the root path - I recommend trying the import command without the derivation path.
did change a few months ago: it used to show 6 import command options - the first three were the 3 root paths (1 for each signing cuve) and 3 with a derivation path, i.e./0'/0'
I suspect you'll find your missing address using
tezos-client import secret key ledger_yourstruly "ledger://adjective-animal-adjective-animal/ed25519/"
谢谢,但是不,我已经通过蛮力小脚本手动尝试了.但是,我确实注意到您提到的更改.Thanks, but no, I tried already this manually and through my bruteforce small script. But I do take note of the change that you mention.
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- 2019-04-23
- tndnz
好的,我还有其他可能会有所帮助的东西.不幸的是,由于bash的原因,输入带/不带引号的路径会更改派生地址.我们正在进行调整以防止这种情况,但与此同时,我建议您同时尝试两者.例如: `./tezos-client导入密钥<名称>" ledger://
/secp256k1/0'/0'"` 导致PKH不同于 `./tezos-client导入密钥<名称>分类账://://alltheanststuff>/secp256k1/0'/0' Ok, I have _one_ more thing that may help. Unfortunately due to bash, entering the path with/without quotes changes the derived address. We are making adjustments to prevent this, but in the meantime, I recommend trying both. For instance: `./tezos-client import secret key"ledger:// /secp256k1/0'/0'"` results in a different PKH than `./tezos-client import secret key ledger:// /secp256k1/0'/0'` - 0
- 2019-04-24
- mikereinhart
我将再次尝试使用蛮力脚本将其包括在内.如果成功,我会及时通知您.非常感谢您的帮助.I am going to try agagin my bruteforce script to include this. I will keep you updated if it succeeds. Thanks a lot you for your help.
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- 2019-04-25
- tndnz
让我们知道怎么回事!Let us know how it goes!
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- 2019-04-30
- mikereinhart
我阅读了Ledgernano S文档的一部分(包括HD Wallet和BIP39/BIP44派生路径以及BOLOS系统),您可以在 https://ledger.readthedocs.io/en/latest/background/introduction.html ). 我还查看了不同的来源,以更好地理解我可能犯的错误,或者可以重用一些代码来编写更好的脚本来测试值并找到我的PKH: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki#use-cases https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ 直到现在,我还没有发现比暴力破解更好的功能(分类帐提供的安全性确实迫使该解决方案生效,这是可以的).