清除现有的Tezbox Ledger Nano s
意思是说我在tezbox中有tzmeant to say I have tz in tezbox
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- 2019-04-14
- Allan
欢迎来到Tezos Stack Exchange!请修改您的问题,因为有些句子甚至不完整.删除评论,然后将您的问题弄清楚.请提供您所使用的视频等的链接.以便使您的问题尽可能清楚!这是增加某人能够回答您的机会的最佳方法!Welcome to Tezos Stack Exchange! please edit your question as some sentences are not even complete. Remove the comment and just make your question clear. Please provide the link to the video you used etc.. in order to make your question as intelligible as possible! That's the best way to increase the chances someone will be able to answer to you!
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- 2019-04-14
- Ezy
1 个回答
- 投票数
- 2019-04-14
在TezBox中生成网络钱包时,它会记录在浏览器中.这就是为什么当您再次进入该页面时,您会看到"欢迎回来"消息,而只需输入密码.此页面底部有一个" Clear TezBox"链接,表示您不想与上次使用的网络钱包进行交互,而要与另一个(您将创建或还原的)网络钱包进行交互. 您以后可以随时使用助记词恢复此钱包.
可悲的是,Tezos应用程序尚不适用于Ledger Blue(并且不确定是否会提供).
When you generate a webwallet in TezBox, it is recorded in your browser. This is why when you go again to the page you have a "Welcome Back" message and just have to enter your password. You have a "Clear TezBox" link at the bottom of this page to say that you don't want to interact with the last used webwallet but an other (that you will create or restore). You can always restore this wallet later with your mnemonic words.
Beware, make sure you have noted your mnemonic words and no just the password before clearing the wallet.
Note that if you want to avoid having to restore the existing, you can open TezBox in an other browser or in a private session of the same browser (but in that case, the wallet won't be memorized). This method also allows you to use two webwallet at the same time if needed.
The Tezos application is sadly not yet available for Ledger Blue (and it is not sure it will).
我在Ledger Live的"欢迎"或"投资组合"屏幕上没有"清除TezBox"消息.请问在哪里I don't have a 'clear TezBox' message on my Welcome or Portfolio screen in Ledger Live. Where is it please?
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- 2019-07-07
- John Spurgeon
您好,我已经设置了Tezbox并生成了kt1地址,并具有.但是,刚刚看到一个youtube vid,说我需要清除它才能链接我的账本nano.明确到底是什么意思?那我该怎么办?也可以与分类帐一起使用吗?